Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
| testEmptyContentHasNcssOfZero | 0.485 |
| testSingleSemiColonHasNcssOfZero | 0.015 |
| testDeclarationStatementHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclarationHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithEmptyBodyHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testConstructorInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSemiColonDoesNotIncrementNcss | 0 |
| testDeclarationStatementWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testExpressionStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testElseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testForStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCaseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDefaultStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testBreakStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testContinueStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testReturnStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testGotoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testLabelIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testNamespaceDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneVariableDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMemberVariableWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.015 |
| testMethodDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testStructDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUnionDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testEnumIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testTypedefIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testLabelIncrementNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testNotifyLabelsOutputsFormattedHeader | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifyAllMeasurementsOutputsCountsAndItem | 0 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifySumOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0.016 |
| testNotifyAverageOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsTrueWhenOptionIsEnabled | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsFalseWhenOptionNotEnabled | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValueWithoutProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveSeveralOptionValues | 0 |
| testNoMacroNoDefineDoesNotModifyTokens | 0 |
| testEmptyNameIsInvalid | 0.063 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfTokenOfTypeId | 0 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfOneToken | 0 |
| testDefineReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithoutContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithExpressionContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroReplacesSeveralOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroNameWithoutParenthesisIsNoOp | 0 |
| testRegisterSameMacroNameTwiceThrowsAnException | 0.016 |
| testMacroWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheDefineNameToken | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheMacroNameToken | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromInterfaceProvidesNonNullObject | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromClassProvidesNonNullObject | 0.219 |
| testCreateMockAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestFails | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testFunctionWithEmptyBodyHasCcnValueOfOne | 0 |
| testTwoFunctionsWithEmptyBodyHaveCcnValueOfTwo | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testForStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsCcnByOnePerCase | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementDoesNotIncrementCcnForDefault | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0.031 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testAndExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleAndExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testOrExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleOrExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testConditionalExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleConditionalExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testExpressionWithAndOrAndConditionalIncrementsCcnByThree | 0 |
| testCcnFromMethodOfClassDefinedOnStackAddsUp | 0.016 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithOneParameterDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithTwoParametersDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithInnerClassDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerOnPointerParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithArrayParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerOnFunctionParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testMethodDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinition | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testConstructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testDestructorDefinition | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testDestructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testIdExpression | 0 |
| testScopedIdExpression | 0 |
| testNumericConstantExpression | 0 |
| testStringConstantExpression | 0 |
| testConcanatedStringsConstantExpression | 0 |
| testLogicalAndExpression | 0.015 |
| testLogicalOrExpression | 0 |
| testConditionalExpression | 0 |
| testAssignmentExpression | 0 |
| testThrowExpression | 0 |
| testThrowExpressionWithException | 0 |
| testInclusiveOrExpression | 0 |
| testExclusiveOrExpression | 0 |
| testAndExpression | 0 |
| testEqualToEqualityExpression | 0 |
| testDifferentFromEqualityExpression | 0 |
| testRelationalExpression | 0 |
| testShiftExpression | 0 |
| testAdditiveExpression | 0 |
| testMultiplicativeExpression | 0 |
| testPointerToMemberExpression | 0 |
| testCastExpression | 0 |
| testUnaryExpression | 0 |
| testUnarySizeofExpression | 0 |
| testFunctionCallExpression | 0 |
| testIncrementPostfixExpression | 0 |
| testDecrementPostfixExpression | 0 |
| testThisIsPrimaryExpression | 0 |
| testParenthizedExpressionIsPrimaryExpression | 0 |
| testNewExpression | 0 |
| testComplexNewExpression | 0 |
| testDeleteExpression | 0 |
| testTypeIdExpression | 0.016 |
| testClassDefinition | 0 |
| testClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testEnumDefinition | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testAnonymousClassVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testEnumVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testAnonymousEnumVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testVariableExternalDeclaration | 0 |
| testVariableExternalDeclarationAndInitialization | 0 |
| testClassMemberVariableDeclaration | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunction | 0 |
| testNamespaceDefinition | 0 |
| testUsingNamespace | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceType | 0 |
| testLabelStatement | 0 |
| testIfStatement | 0 |
| testIfElseStatement | 0 |
| testWhileStatement | 0 |
| testDoWhileStatement | 0 |
| testForStatement | 0 |
| testSwitchStatement | 0 |
| testGotoStatement | 0 |
| testBreakStatement | 0 |
| testContinueStatement | 0 |
| testReturnStatement | 0 |
| testReturnStatementWithExpression | 0 |
| testThrowStatement | 0 |
| testThrowStatementWithException | 0 |
| testTryCatchBlocks | 0 |
| testMultiLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testSingleLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testMultipleSingleLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testEmptyContentHasNcssOfZero | 0.485 |
| testSingleSemiColonHasNcssOfZero | 0.015 |
| testDeclarationStatementHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclarationHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithEmptyBodyHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testConstructorInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSemiColonDoesNotIncrementNcss | 0 |
| testDeclarationStatementWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testExpressionStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testElseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testForStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCaseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDefaultStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testBreakStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testContinueStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testReturnStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testGotoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testLabelIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testNamespaceDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneVariableDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMemberVariableWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.015 |
| testMethodDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testStructDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUnionDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testEnumIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testTypedefIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testLabelIncrementNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testNotifyLabelsOutputsFormattedHeader | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifyAllMeasurementsOutputsCountsAndItem | 0 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifySumOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0.016 |
| testNotifyAverageOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsTrueWhenOptionIsEnabled | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsFalseWhenOptionNotEnabled | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValueWithoutProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveSeveralOptionValues | 0 |
| testNoMacroNoDefineDoesNotModifyTokens | 0 |
| testEmptyNameIsInvalid | 0.063 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfTokenOfTypeId | 0 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfOneToken | 0 |
| testDefineReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithoutContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithExpressionContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroReplacesSeveralOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroNameWithoutParenthesisIsNoOp | 0 |
| testRegisterSameMacroNameTwiceThrowsAnException | 0.016 |
| testMacroWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheDefineNameToken | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheMacroNameToken | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromInterfaceProvidesNonNullObject | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromClassProvidesNonNullObject | 0.219 |
| testCreateMockAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestFails | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testFunctionWithEmptyBodyHasCcnValueOfOne | 0 |
| testTwoFunctionsWithEmptyBodyHaveCcnValueOfTwo | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testForStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsCcnByOnePerCase | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementDoesNotIncrementCcnForDefault | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0.031 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testAndExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleAndExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testOrExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleOrExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testConditionalExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleConditionalExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testExpressionWithAndOrAndConditionalIncrementsCcnByThree | 0 |
| testCcnFromMethodOfClassDefinedOnStackAddsUp | 0.016 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithOneParameterDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithTwoParametersDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithInnerClassDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerOnPointerParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithArrayParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerOnFunctionParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testMethodDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinition | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testConstructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testDestructorDefinition | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testDestructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testIdExpression | 0 |
| testScopedIdExpression | 0 |
| testNumericConstantExpression | 0 |
| testStringConstantExpression | 0 |
| testConcanatedStringsConstantExpression | 0 |
| testLogicalAndExpression | 0.015 |
| testLogicalOrExpression | 0 |
| testConditionalExpression | 0 |
| testAssignmentExpression | 0 |
| testThrowExpression | 0 |
| testThrowExpressionWithException | 0 |
| testInclusiveOrExpression | 0 |
| testExclusiveOrExpression | 0 |
| testAndExpression | 0 |
| testEqualToEqualityExpression | 0 |
| testDifferentFromEqualityExpression | 0 |
| testRelationalExpression | 0 |
| testShiftExpression | 0 |
| testAdditiveExpression | 0 |
| testMultiplicativeExpression | 0 |
| testPointerToMemberExpression | 0 |
| testCastExpression | 0 |
| testUnaryExpression | 0 |
| testUnarySizeofExpression | 0 |
| testFunctionCallExpression | 0 |
| testIncrementPostfixExpression | 0 |
| testDecrementPostfixExpression | 0 |
| testThisIsPrimaryExpression | 0 |
| testParenthizedExpressionIsPrimaryExpression | 0 |
| testNewExpression | 0 |
| testComplexNewExpression | 0 |
| testDeleteExpression | 0 |
| testTypeIdExpression | 0.016 |
| testClassDefinition | 0 |
| testClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testEnumDefinition | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testAnonymousClassVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testEnumVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testAnonymousEnumVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testVariableExternalDeclaration | 0 |
| testVariableExternalDeclarationAndInitialization | 0 |
| testClassMemberVariableDeclaration | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunction | 0 |
| testNamespaceDefinition | 0 |
| testUsingNamespace | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceType | 0 |
| testLabelStatement | 0 |
| testIfStatement | 0 |
| testIfElseStatement | 0 |
| testWhileStatement | 0 |
| testDoWhileStatement | 0 |
| testForStatement | 0 |
| testSwitchStatement | 0 |
| testGotoStatement | 0 |
| testBreakStatement | 0 |
| testContinueStatement | 0 |
| testReturnStatement | 0 |
| testReturnStatementWithExpression | 0 |
| testThrowStatement | 0 |
| testThrowStatementWithException | 0 |
| testTryCatchBlocks | 0 |
| testMultiLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testSingleLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testMultipleSingleLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testResolveOutsideOfAnyScopeDoesNotAddAnyPrefix | 0 |
| testExtendingWithNonExistingScopeIsNoOp | 0 |
| testResolveInsideSimpleScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testResolveInsideComplexScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testOpenSeveralScopesAtTheSameTime | 0 |
| testOpenSeveralScopesAtTheSameTimeAndCloseOne | 0 |
| testResolveSubPathOutsideOfScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testResolveSearchesInExtendingScopes | 0 |
| testResolveSearchesInExtendingSubScopes | 0 |
| testTmp | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0.25 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNoNotificationGeneratesEmptyRootElement | 0.047 |
| testLabelsNotificationGeneratesLabelsElement | 0.015 |
| testItemNotificationsGenerateItemElement | 0 |
| testAverageNotificationGeneratesAverageElement | 0 |
| testSumNotificationGeneratesSumElement | 0.016 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinition | 0.015 |
| testDestructorDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testNotFunctionReturnsNull | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithoutParameters | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerPointerParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerPointerParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerReferencePointerConstParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerReferencePointerConstParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithConstPointerConstParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithConstPointerConstParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithUnsignedIntegerParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithUnsignedIntegerParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithUnsignedIntegerPointerParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithUnsignedIntegerPointerParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithSeveralParameters | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithSeveralParametersWithoutParameterNames | 0 |
| testConstMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testMethodDefinitionWithConstReferenceReturnType | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinitionWithParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionBodyDoesNotAlterFunctionSignature | 0 |
| testArrayArgument | 0 |
| testArrayArgumentWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testTemplateClassMethod | 0 |
| testTemplateParameterFunction | 0.016 |
| testTemplateParameterFunctionWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testPointerOnMemberParameterFunction | 0 |
| testPointerOnFunctionParameterFunction | 0 |
| testFunctionReturningPointerOnFunction | 0 |
| testParenthesisOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionInAnonymousNamespace | 0 |
| testMethodOfClassDefinedInFunction | 0 |
| null expected:<My[Function::My]Class::MyMethod()> but was:<My[]Class::MyMethod()> | |
| junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: null expected:&My[Function::My]Class::MyMethod()& but was:&My[]Class::MyMethod()& at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals( at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals( at cppncss.counter.FunctionNameExtractorTest.testMethodOfClassDefinedInFunction(
| |
| testMethodOfClassDefinedLocally | 0 |
| null expected:<My[Function::My]Class::MyMethod()> but was:<My[]Class::MyMethod()> | |
| junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: null expected:&My[Function::My]Class::MyMethod()& but was:&My[]Class::MyMethod()& at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals( at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals( at cppncss.counter.FunctionNameExtractorTest.testMethodOfClassDefinedLocally(
| |
| testConditionalExpression | 0 |
| testSemiColumExternalDeclaration | 0 |
| testTypedefType | 0 |
| testTypedefTypeInNamespace | 0 |
| testTypedefTemplateType | 0 |
| testTypedefTemplateNamespacedType | 0 |
| testTypedefTemplateTypeInNamespace | 0 |
| testTypedefTemplateTypeOfTemplateType | 0 |
| testTypedefTemplateTypeOfTemplateParameter | 0 |
| testTemplateClassMemberTypeVariable | 0 |
| testVariableType | 0 |
| testVariableTypeInNamespace | 0 |
| testVariableOfTemplateType | 0 |
| testVariableTemplateNamespacedType | 0 |
| testVariableTemplateTypeInNamespace | 0 |
| testVariableTemplateNamespacedTypeInNamespace | 0.015 |
| testTypedefTypename | 0 |
| testTypenameQualifier | 0 |
| testMutableQualifier | 0 |
| testTemplateFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateMethodDeclaration | 0 |
| testUserTypeDefaultTemplateParameterClassDefinition | 0 |
| testBaseTypeDefaultTemplateParameterClassDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedMethodDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedClassDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedNamespacedClassDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedSubClassTemplateDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedSubClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateClassInstanciation | 0 |
| testTypedTemplateClassInstanciation | 0 |
| testSpecializedTemplateClassInstanciation | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedClassInstanciation | 0 |
| testTemplateMemberInitializer | 0 |
| testTemplateTypeClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testSpecializedTemplateTypeClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testSpecializedTemplateMemberPointerClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateMethodOfTemplateClassSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateFunctionCall | 0.016 |
| testTemplateConstructorDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateConstructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateMethodCallWithTemplateParameter | 0 |
| testTemplateStaticMethodCallWithTemplateParameter | 0 |
| testUnsupportedTemplateFunctionCallThrowsException | 0 |
| testUnsupportedTemplateFunctionCall2ThrowsException | 0.016 |
| testBuiltInTypeCast | 0 |
| testUnsignedBuiltInTypeCast | 0 |
| testSignedBuiltInTypeCast | 0 |
| testUnsignedLongIntVariableDeclaration | 0 |
| testUnsignedLongIntTypeCast | 0 |
| testTypeCastAssignmentExpression | 0 |
| testDestructorDefinitionWithoutClassDeclarationIsValid | 0 |
| testTildeUnaryOperator | 0 |
| testMethodCallWithinVariableInitialization | 0 |
| testUsingSeveralNamespaces | 0 |
| testUsingNestedNamespacesFullPath | 0 |
| testUsingNestedNamespacesHalfPath | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceInFunction | 0 |
| testUsingClass | 0 |
| testMemberUsingClass | 0 |
| testFunctionUsingClass | 0 |
| testNamespaceAliasing | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinitionThrowSpecification | 0.015 |
| testNamespacedConstructorDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperator | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorOfTemplateClassSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConstConversionOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testInlineOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testInlinePureVirtualOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionReturningConstPointer | 0 |
| testMemberPointerWithAnonymousParameter | 0 |
| testMemberPointerWithParameterByCopy | 0 |
| testInnerTemplateClass | 0 |
| testSingleLineCommentAtEndOfFile | 0 |
| testPreProcessorDirective | 0 |
| testPreProcessorDirectiveAtEndOfFile | 0 |
| testPreProcessorOnSeveralLinesAtEndOfFile | 0 |
| testCommentAtEndOfFile | 0 |
| testEnumWithoutCommaAfterLastValue | 0 |
| testEnumWithTwoValues | 0 |
| testEnumWithCommaAfterLastValue | 0 |
| testEnumWithTwoValuesWithCommaAfterLastValue | 0 |
| testEmptyEnum | 0 |
| testEmptyAnonymousEnum | 0 |
| testVariableParenthesisInitialization | 0 |
| testNamespaceAliasingDeclaration | 0 |
| testBitFieldDeclaration | 0 |
| testStaticConstMemberDataInPlaceInitialization | 0 |
| testExplicitConstructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testExplicitConstructorDefinition | 0 |
| testPureVirtualDestructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testMemberDataList | 0 |
| testReturnParenthezizedExpression | 0 |
| testReturnParenthezizedComplexExpression | 0 |
| testSizeOfBaseType | 0 |
| testSizeOfUserType | 0 |
| testSizeOfUserTypeReference | 0 |
| testSizeOfAnExpression | 0 |
| testSizeOfFunctionCall | 0 |
| testSizeOfAssignment | 0 |
| testSizeOfCommaExpression | 0 |
| testSizeOfWithoutParenthesis | 0 |
| testGlobalScopeOverrideFunctionCall | 0 |
| testStringJuxtaposition | 0 |
| testInitializedArrayLastElementFollowedByComma | 0 |
| testIfStatementWithAssignment | 0 |
| testDestructorWithExceptionSpecificationDeclaration | 0 |
| testDestructorWithExplicitVoidParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodWithExceptionSpecificationDeclaration | 0 |
| testTypeidOfUserTypeReference | 0 |
| testTypeidOfExpression | 0 |
| testTypeidOfCommaExpression | 0 |
| testConditionWithFunctionCall | 0 |
| testTypeidOfAssignmentExpression | 0 |
| testTypeidOfThis | 0 |
| testTypeidOfContentOfThis | 0 |
| testCanRetrieveNameOfTypeidResult | 0 |
| testMutableMember | 0.016 |
| testVolatileMember | 0 |
| testVolatileVariable | 0 |
| testConstUnsignedIntVariable | 0 |
| testVolatileConstUnsignedIntVariable | 0 |
| testFriendClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testFriendMemberClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testVolatileMethodDeclaration | 0 |
| testVolatileMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testVolatilePointerTypeConversionOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testVolatileConversionOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testInfiniteForLoop | 0 |
| testAnonymousEnumVariableDeclaration | 0 |
| testAnonymousClassVariableDeclaration | 0 |
| testAnonymousClassClassMember | 0 |
| testForWithFunctionCallsWithSeveralParametersAsInitialization | 0 |
| testTemplateFriendClassMemberDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateClassMemberDeclaration | 0 |
| testClassForwardDeclarationMember | 0 |
| testFriendClassForwardDeclarationMember | 0 |
| testTemplateMemberVariableOfTemplateType | 0 |
| testClassForwardDeclaration | 0 |
| testPureVirtualDestructorWithImplementation | 0 |
| testPureVirtualMethodWithImplementation | 0 |
| testPlacementNew | 0 |
| testNewWithoutParameters | 0 |
| testNewType | 0 |
| testNewTypeWithParameters | 0 |
| testAsmExpression | 0 |
| testThrowWithoutAnException | 0.015 |
| testThrowAnException | 0 |
| testEmptyStatement | 0 |
| testTemplateForwardDeclarationDoesNotRegisterTemplateTypeAsType | 0 |
| testOneVariableArgumentFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testVariableArgumentFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testOneVariableArgumentFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testVariableArgumentFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testIntegerParameterInTemplateDeclaration | 0 |
| testVoidDefaultTemplateParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testVoidPointerDefaultTemplateParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testHexadecimalEscapeSequenceInString | 0 |
| testBackslashAtEndOfLineIsIgnored | 0 |
| testBackslashAtEndOfLineInStringIsIgnored | 0 |
| testCp1252NotAsciiCharacterInCommentIsValid | 0 |
| testCp1252NotAsciiCharacterInMultiCommentIsValid | 0 |
| testExternFunctionDefinitionIsValid | 0 |
| testSemiColonMemberDeclarationIsValid | 0 |
| testTemplateClassDestructorCallOnPointer | 0 |
| testTemplateClassDestructorCallOnInstance | 0 |
| testFunctionReturningPointerOnFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionReturningPointerOnFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithCommentedParameterName | 0 |
| testTMP | 0 |
| testEmptyContentHasNcssOfZero | 0.485 |
| testSingleSemiColonHasNcssOfZero | 0.015 |
| testDeclarationStatementHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclarationHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithEmptyBodyHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testConstructorInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSemiColonDoesNotIncrementNcss | 0 |
| testDeclarationStatementWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testExpressionStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testElseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testForStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCaseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDefaultStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testBreakStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testContinueStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testReturnStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testGotoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testLabelIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testNamespaceDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneVariableDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMemberVariableWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.015 |
| testMethodDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testStructDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUnionDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testEnumIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testTypedefIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testLabelIncrementNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testNotifyLabelsOutputsFormattedHeader | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifyAllMeasurementsOutputsCountsAndItem | 0 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifySumOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0.016 |
| testNotifyAverageOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsTrueWhenOptionIsEnabled | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsFalseWhenOptionNotEnabled | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValueWithoutProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveSeveralOptionValues | 0 |
| testNoMacroNoDefineDoesNotModifyTokens | 0 |
| testEmptyNameIsInvalid | 0.063 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfTokenOfTypeId | 0 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfOneToken | 0 |
| testDefineReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithoutContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithExpressionContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroReplacesSeveralOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroNameWithoutParenthesisIsNoOp | 0 |
| testRegisterSameMacroNameTwiceThrowsAnException | 0.016 |
| testMacroWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheDefineNameToken | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheMacroNameToken | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromInterfaceProvidesNonNullObject | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromClassProvidesNonNullObject | 0.219 |
| testCreateMockAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestFails | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testFunctionWithEmptyBodyHasCcnValueOfOne | 0 |
| testTwoFunctionsWithEmptyBodyHaveCcnValueOfTwo | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testForStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsCcnByOnePerCase | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementDoesNotIncrementCcnForDefault | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0.031 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testAndExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleAndExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testOrExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleOrExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testConditionalExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleConditionalExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testExpressionWithAndOrAndConditionalIncrementsCcnByThree | 0 |
| testCcnFromMethodOfClassDefinedOnStackAddsUp | 0.016 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithOneParameterDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithTwoParametersDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithInnerClassDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerOnPointerParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithArrayParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerOnFunctionParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testMethodDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinition | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testConstructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testDestructorDefinition | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testDestructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testIdExpression | 0 |
| testScopedIdExpression | 0 |
| testNumericConstantExpression | 0 |
| testStringConstantExpression | 0 |
| testConcanatedStringsConstantExpression | 0 |
| testLogicalAndExpression | 0.015 |
| testLogicalOrExpression | 0 |
| testConditionalExpression | 0 |
| testAssignmentExpression | 0 |
| testThrowExpression | 0 |
| testThrowExpressionWithException | 0 |
| testInclusiveOrExpression | 0 |
| testExclusiveOrExpression | 0 |
| testAndExpression | 0 |
| testEqualToEqualityExpression | 0 |
| testDifferentFromEqualityExpression | 0 |
| testRelationalExpression | 0 |
| testShiftExpression | 0 |
| testAdditiveExpression | 0 |
| testMultiplicativeExpression | 0 |
| testPointerToMemberExpression | 0 |
| testCastExpression | 0 |
| testUnaryExpression | 0 |
| testUnarySizeofExpression | 0 |
| testFunctionCallExpression | 0 |
| testIncrementPostfixExpression | 0 |
| testDecrementPostfixExpression | 0 |
| testThisIsPrimaryExpression | 0 |
| testParenthizedExpressionIsPrimaryExpression | 0 |
| testNewExpression | 0 |
| testComplexNewExpression | 0 |
| testDeleteExpression | 0 |
| testTypeIdExpression | 0.016 |
| testClassDefinition | 0 |
| testClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testEnumDefinition | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testAnonymousClassVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testEnumVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testAnonymousEnumVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testVariableExternalDeclaration | 0 |
| testVariableExternalDeclarationAndInitialization | 0 |
| testClassMemberVariableDeclaration | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunction | 0 |
| testNamespaceDefinition | 0 |
| testUsingNamespace | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceType | 0 |
| testLabelStatement | 0 |
| testIfStatement | 0 |
| testIfElseStatement | 0 |
| testWhileStatement | 0 |
| testDoWhileStatement | 0 |
| testForStatement | 0 |
| testSwitchStatement | 0 |
| testGotoStatement | 0 |
| testBreakStatement | 0 |
| testContinueStatement | 0 |
| testReturnStatement | 0 |
| testReturnStatementWithExpression | 0 |
| testThrowStatement | 0 |
| testThrowStatementWithException | 0 |
| testTryCatchBlocks | 0 |
| testMultiLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testSingleLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testMultipleSingleLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testResolveOutsideOfAnyScopeDoesNotAddAnyPrefix | 0 |
| testExtendingWithNonExistingScopeIsNoOp | 0 |
| testResolveInsideSimpleScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testResolveInsideComplexScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testOpenSeveralScopesAtTheSameTime | 0 |
| testOpenSeveralScopesAtTheSameTimeAndCloseOne | 0 |
| testResolveSubPathOutsideOfScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testResolveSearchesInExtendingScopes | 0 |
| testResolveSearchesInExtendingSubScopes | 0 |
| testTmp | 0 |
| testEmptyContentHasNcssOfZero | 0.485 |
| testSingleSemiColonHasNcssOfZero | 0.015 |
| testDeclarationStatementHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclarationHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithEmptyBodyHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testConstructorInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSemiColonDoesNotIncrementNcss | 0 |
| testDeclarationStatementWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testExpressionStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testElseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testForStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCaseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDefaultStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testBreakStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testContinueStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testReturnStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testGotoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testLabelIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testNamespaceDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneVariableDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMemberVariableWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.015 |
| testMethodDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testStructDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUnionDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testEnumIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testTypedefIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testLabelIncrementNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testNotifyLabelsOutputsFormattedHeader | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifyAllMeasurementsOutputsCountsAndItem | 0 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifySumOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0.016 |
| testNotifyAverageOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testEmptyContentHasNcssOfZero | 0.485 |
| testSingleSemiColonHasNcssOfZero | 0.015 |
| testDeclarationStatementHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclarationHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithEmptyBodyHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testConstructorInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSemiColonDoesNotIncrementNcss | 0 |
| testDeclarationStatementWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testExpressionStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testElseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testForStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCaseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDefaultStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testBreakStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testContinueStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testReturnStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testGotoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testLabelIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testNamespaceDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneVariableDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMemberVariableWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.015 |
| testMethodDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testStructDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUnionDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testEnumIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testTypedefIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testLabelIncrementNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testNotifyLabelsOutputsFormattedHeader | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifyAllMeasurementsOutputsCountsAndItem | 0 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifySumOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0.016 |
| testNotifyAverageOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsTrueWhenOptionIsEnabled | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsFalseWhenOptionNotEnabled | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValueWithoutProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveSeveralOptionValues | 0 |
| testNoMacroNoDefineDoesNotModifyTokens | 0 |
| testEmptyNameIsInvalid | 0.063 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfTokenOfTypeId | 0 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfOneToken | 0 |
| testDefineReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithoutContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithExpressionContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroReplacesSeveralOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroNameWithoutParenthesisIsNoOp | 0 |
| testRegisterSameMacroNameTwiceThrowsAnException | 0.016 |
| testMacroWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheDefineNameToken | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheMacroNameToken | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromInterfaceProvidesNonNullObject | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromClassProvidesNonNullObject | 0.219 |
| testCreateMockAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestFails | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testFunctionWithEmptyBodyHasCcnValueOfOne | 0 |
| testTwoFunctionsWithEmptyBodyHaveCcnValueOfTwo | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testForStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsCcnByOnePerCase | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementDoesNotIncrementCcnForDefault | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0.031 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testAndExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleAndExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testOrExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleOrExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testConditionalExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleConditionalExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testExpressionWithAndOrAndConditionalIncrementsCcnByThree | 0 |
| testCcnFromMethodOfClassDefinedOnStackAddsUp | 0.016 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testEmptyContentHasNcssOfZero | 0.485 |
| testSingleSemiColonHasNcssOfZero | 0.015 |
| testDeclarationStatementHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclarationHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithEmptyBodyHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testConstructorInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSemiColonDoesNotIncrementNcss | 0 |
| testDeclarationStatementWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testExpressionStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testElseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testForStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCaseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDefaultStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testBreakStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testContinueStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testReturnStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testGotoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testLabelIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testNamespaceDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneVariableDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMemberVariableWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.015 |
| testMethodDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testStructDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUnionDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testEnumIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testTypedefIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testLabelIncrementNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testNotifyLabelsOutputsFormattedHeader | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifyAllMeasurementsOutputsCountsAndItem | 0 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifySumOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0.016 |
| testNotifyAverageOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsTrueWhenOptionIsEnabled | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsFalseWhenOptionNotEnabled | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValueWithoutProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveSeveralOptionValues | 0 |
| testNoMacroNoDefineDoesNotModifyTokens | 0 |
| testEmptyNameIsInvalid | 0.063 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfTokenOfTypeId | 0 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfOneToken | 0 |
| testDefineReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithoutContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithExpressionContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroReplacesSeveralOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroNameWithoutParenthesisIsNoOp | 0 |
| testRegisterSameMacroNameTwiceThrowsAnException | 0.016 |
| testMacroWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheDefineNameToken | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheMacroNameToken | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromInterfaceProvidesNonNullObject | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromClassProvidesNonNullObject | 0.219 |
| testCreateMockAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestFails | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testFunctionWithEmptyBodyHasCcnValueOfOne | 0 |
| testTwoFunctionsWithEmptyBodyHaveCcnValueOfTwo | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testForStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsCcnByOnePerCase | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementDoesNotIncrementCcnForDefault | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0.031 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testAndExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleAndExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testOrExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleOrExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testConditionalExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleConditionalExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testExpressionWithAndOrAndConditionalIncrementsCcnByThree | 0 |
| testCcnFromMethodOfClassDefinedOnStackAddsUp | 0.016 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithOneParameterDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithTwoParametersDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithInnerClassDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerOnPointerParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithArrayParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerOnFunctionParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testMethodDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinition | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testConstructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testDestructorDefinition | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testDestructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testIdExpression | 0 |
| testScopedIdExpression | 0 |
| testNumericConstantExpression | 0 |
| testStringConstantExpression | 0 |
| testConcanatedStringsConstantExpression | 0 |
| testLogicalAndExpression | 0.015 |
| testLogicalOrExpression | 0 |
| testConditionalExpression | 0 |
| testAssignmentExpression | 0 |
| testThrowExpression | 0 |
| testThrowExpressionWithException | 0 |
| testInclusiveOrExpression | 0 |
| testExclusiveOrExpression | 0 |
| testAndExpression | 0 |
| testEqualToEqualityExpression | 0 |
| testDifferentFromEqualityExpression | 0 |
| testRelationalExpression | 0 |
| testShiftExpression | 0 |
| testAdditiveExpression | 0 |
| testMultiplicativeExpression | 0 |
| testPointerToMemberExpression | 0 |
| testCastExpression | 0 |
| testUnaryExpression | 0 |
| testUnarySizeofExpression | 0 |
| testFunctionCallExpression | 0 |
| testIncrementPostfixExpression | 0 |
| testDecrementPostfixExpression | 0 |
| testThisIsPrimaryExpression | 0 |
| testParenthizedExpressionIsPrimaryExpression | 0 |
| testNewExpression | 0 |
| testComplexNewExpression | 0 |
| testDeleteExpression | 0 |
| testTypeIdExpression | 0.016 |
| testClassDefinition | 0 |
| testClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testEnumDefinition | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testAnonymousClassVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testEnumVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testAnonymousEnumVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testVariableExternalDeclaration | 0 |
| testVariableExternalDeclarationAndInitialization | 0 |
| testClassMemberVariableDeclaration | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunction | 0 |
| testNamespaceDefinition | 0 |
| testUsingNamespace | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceType | 0 |
| testLabelStatement | 0 |
| testIfStatement | 0 |
| testIfElseStatement | 0 |
| testWhileStatement | 0 |
| testDoWhileStatement | 0 |
| testForStatement | 0 |
| testSwitchStatement | 0 |
| testGotoStatement | 0 |
| testBreakStatement | 0 |
| testContinueStatement | 0 |
| testReturnStatement | 0 |
| testReturnStatementWithExpression | 0 |
| testThrowStatement | 0 |
| testThrowStatementWithException | 0 |
| testTryCatchBlocks | 0 |
| testMultiLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testSingleLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testMultipleSingleLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testResolveOutsideOfAnyScopeDoesNotAddAnyPrefix | 0 |
| testExtendingWithNonExistingScopeIsNoOp | 0 |
| testResolveInsideSimpleScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testResolveInsideComplexScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testOpenSeveralScopesAtTheSameTime | 0 |
| testOpenSeveralScopesAtTheSameTimeAndCloseOne | 0 |
| testResolveSubPathOutsideOfScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testResolveSearchesInExtendingScopes | 0 |
| testResolveSearchesInExtendingSubScopes | 0 |
| testTmp | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0.25 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNoNotificationGeneratesEmptyRootElement | 0.047 |
| testLabelsNotificationGeneratesLabelsElement | 0.015 |
| testItemNotificationsGenerateItemElement | 0 |
| testAverageNotificationGeneratesAverageElement | 0 |
| testSumNotificationGeneratesSumElement | 0.016 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinition | 0.015 |
| testDestructorDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testNotFunctionReturnsNull | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithoutParameters | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerPointerParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerPointerParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerReferencePointerConstParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerReferencePointerConstParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithConstPointerConstParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithConstPointerConstParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithUnsignedIntegerParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithUnsignedIntegerParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithUnsignedIntegerPointerParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithUnsignedIntegerPointerParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithSeveralParameters | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithSeveralParametersWithoutParameterNames | 0 |
| testConstMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testMethodDefinitionWithConstReferenceReturnType | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinitionWithParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionBodyDoesNotAlterFunctionSignature | 0 |
| testArrayArgument | 0 |
| testArrayArgumentWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testTemplateClassMethod | 0 |
| testTemplateParameterFunction | 0.016 |
| testTemplateParameterFunctionWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testPointerOnMemberParameterFunction | 0 |
| testPointerOnFunctionParameterFunction | 0 |
| testFunctionReturningPointerOnFunction | 0 |
| testParenthesisOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionInAnonymousNamespace | 0 |
| testMethodOfClassDefinedInFunction | 0 |
| null expected:<My[Function::My]Class::MyMethod()> but was:<My[]Class::MyMethod()> | |
| junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: null expected:&My[Function::My]Class::MyMethod()& but was:&My[]Class::MyMethod()& at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals( at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals( at cppncss.counter.FunctionNameExtractorTest.testMethodOfClassDefinedInFunction(
| |
| testMethodOfClassDefinedLocally | 0 |
| null expected:<My[Function::My]Class::MyMethod()> but was:<My[]Class::MyMethod()> | |
| junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: null expected:&My[Function::My]Class::MyMethod()& but was:&My[]Class::MyMethod()& at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals( at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals( at cppncss.counter.FunctionNameExtractorTest.testMethodOfClassDefinedLocally(
| |
| testEmptyContentHasNcssOfZero | 0.485 |
| testSingleSemiColonHasNcssOfZero | 0.015 |
| testDeclarationStatementHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclarationHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithEmptyBodyHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testConstructorInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSemiColonDoesNotIncrementNcss | 0 |
| testDeclarationStatementWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testExpressionStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testElseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testForStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCaseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDefaultStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testBreakStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testContinueStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testReturnStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testGotoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testLabelIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testNamespaceDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneVariableDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMemberVariableWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.015 |
| testMethodDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testStructDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUnionDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testEnumIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testTypedefIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testLabelIncrementNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testNotifyLabelsOutputsFormattedHeader | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifyAllMeasurementsOutputsCountsAndItem | 0 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifySumOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0.016 |
| testNotifyAverageOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsTrueWhenOptionIsEnabled | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsFalseWhenOptionNotEnabled | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValueWithoutProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveSeveralOptionValues | 0 |
| testNoMacroNoDefineDoesNotModifyTokens | 0 |
| testEmptyNameIsInvalid | 0.063 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfTokenOfTypeId | 0 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfOneToken | 0 |
| testDefineReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithoutContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithExpressionContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroReplacesSeveralOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroNameWithoutParenthesisIsNoOp | 0 |
| testRegisterSameMacroNameTwiceThrowsAnException | 0.016 |
| testMacroWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheDefineNameToken | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheMacroNameToken | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromInterfaceProvidesNonNullObject | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromClassProvidesNonNullObject | 0.219 |
| testCreateMockAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestFails | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testFunctionWithEmptyBodyHasCcnValueOfOne | 0 |
| testTwoFunctionsWithEmptyBodyHaveCcnValueOfTwo | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testForStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsCcnByOnePerCase | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementDoesNotIncrementCcnForDefault | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0.031 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testAndExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleAndExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testOrExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleOrExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testConditionalExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleConditionalExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testExpressionWithAndOrAndConditionalIncrementsCcnByThree | 0 |
| testCcnFromMethodOfClassDefinedOnStackAddsUp | 0.016 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithOneParameterDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithTwoParametersDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithInnerClassDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerOnPointerParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithArrayParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerOnFunctionParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testMethodDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinition | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testConstructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testDestructorDefinition | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testDestructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testIdExpression | 0 |
| testScopedIdExpression | 0 |
| testNumericConstantExpression | 0 |
| testStringConstantExpression | 0 |
| testConcanatedStringsConstantExpression | 0 |
| testLogicalAndExpression | 0.015 |
| testLogicalOrExpression | 0 |
| testConditionalExpression | 0 |
| testAssignmentExpression | 0 |
| testThrowExpression | 0 |
| testThrowExpressionWithException | 0 |
| testInclusiveOrExpression | 0 |
| testExclusiveOrExpression | 0 |
| testAndExpression | 0 |
| testEqualToEqualityExpression | 0 |
| testDifferentFromEqualityExpression | 0 |
| testRelationalExpression | 0 |
| testShiftExpression | 0 |
| testAdditiveExpression | 0 |
| testMultiplicativeExpression | 0 |
| testPointerToMemberExpression | 0 |
| testCastExpression | 0 |
| testUnaryExpression | 0 |
| testUnarySizeofExpression | 0 |
| testFunctionCallExpression | 0 |
| testIncrementPostfixExpression | 0 |
| testDecrementPostfixExpression | 0 |
| testThisIsPrimaryExpression | 0 |
| testParenthizedExpressionIsPrimaryExpression | 0 |
| testNewExpression | 0 |
| testComplexNewExpression | 0 |
| testDeleteExpression | 0 |
| testTypeIdExpression | 0.016 |
| testClassDefinition | 0 |
| testClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testEnumDefinition | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testAnonymousClassVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testEnumVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testAnonymousEnumVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testVariableExternalDeclaration | 0 |
| testVariableExternalDeclarationAndInitialization | 0 |
| testClassMemberVariableDeclaration | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunction | 0 |
| testNamespaceDefinition | 0 |
| testUsingNamespace | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceType | 0 |
| testLabelStatement | 0 |
| testIfStatement | 0 |
| testIfElseStatement | 0 |
| testWhileStatement | 0 |
| testDoWhileStatement | 0 |
| testForStatement | 0 |
| testSwitchStatement | 0 |
| testGotoStatement | 0 |
| testBreakStatement | 0 |
| testContinueStatement | 0 |
| testReturnStatement | 0 |
| testReturnStatementWithExpression | 0 |
| testThrowStatement | 0 |
| testThrowStatementWithException | 0 |
| testTryCatchBlocks | 0 |
| testMultiLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testSingleLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testMultipleSingleLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testResolveOutsideOfAnyScopeDoesNotAddAnyPrefix | 0 |
| testExtendingWithNonExistingScopeIsNoOp | 0 |
| testResolveInsideSimpleScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testResolveInsideComplexScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testOpenSeveralScopesAtTheSameTime | 0 |
| testOpenSeveralScopesAtTheSameTimeAndCloseOne | 0 |
| testResolveSubPathOutsideOfScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testResolveSearchesInExtendingScopes | 0 |
| testResolveSearchesInExtendingSubScopes | 0 |
| testTmp | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0.25 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNoNotificationGeneratesEmptyRootElement | 0.047 |
| testLabelsNotificationGeneratesLabelsElement | 0.015 |
| testItemNotificationsGenerateItemElement | 0 |
| testAverageNotificationGeneratesAverageElement | 0 |
| testSumNotificationGeneratesSumElement | 0.016 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinition | 0.015 |
| testDestructorDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testNotFunctionReturnsNull | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithoutParameters | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerPointerParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerPointerParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerReferencePointerConstParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerReferencePointerConstParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithConstPointerConstParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithConstPointerConstParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithUnsignedIntegerParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithUnsignedIntegerParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithUnsignedIntegerPointerParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithUnsignedIntegerPointerParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithSeveralParameters | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithSeveralParametersWithoutParameterNames | 0 |
| testConstMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testMethodDefinitionWithConstReferenceReturnType | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinitionWithParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionBodyDoesNotAlterFunctionSignature | 0 |
| testArrayArgument | 0 |
| testArrayArgumentWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testTemplateClassMethod | 0 |
| testTemplateParameterFunction | 0.016 |
| testTemplateParameterFunctionWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testPointerOnMemberParameterFunction | 0 |
| testPointerOnFunctionParameterFunction | 0 |
| testFunctionReturningPointerOnFunction | 0 |
| testParenthesisOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionInAnonymousNamespace | 0 |
| testMethodOfClassDefinedInFunction | 0 |
| null expected:<My[Function::My]Class::MyMethod()> but was:<My[]Class::MyMethod()> | |
| junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: null expected:&My[Function::My]Class::MyMethod()& but was:&My[]Class::MyMethod()& at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals( at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals( at cppncss.counter.FunctionNameExtractorTest.testMethodOfClassDefinedInFunction(
| |
| testMethodOfClassDefinedLocally | 0 |
| null expected:<My[Function::My]Class::MyMethod()> but was:<My[]Class::MyMethod()> | |
| junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: null expected:&My[Function::My]Class::MyMethod()& but was:&My[]Class::MyMethod()& at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals( at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals( at cppncss.counter.FunctionNameExtractorTest.testMethodOfClassDefinedLocally(
| |
| testConditionalExpression | 0 |
| testSemiColumExternalDeclaration | 0 |
| testTypedefType | 0 |
| testTypedefTypeInNamespace | 0 |
| testTypedefTemplateType | 0 |
| testTypedefTemplateNamespacedType | 0 |
| testTypedefTemplateTypeInNamespace | 0 |
| testTypedefTemplateTypeOfTemplateType | 0 |
| testTypedefTemplateTypeOfTemplateParameter | 0 |
| testTemplateClassMemberTypeVariable | 0 |
| testVariableType | 0 |
| testVariableTypeInNamespace | 0 |
| testVariableOfTemplateType | 0 |
| testVariableTemplateNamespacedType | 0 |
| testVariableTemplateTypeInNamespace | 0 |
| testVariableTemplateNamespacedTypeInNamespace | 0.015 |
| testTypedefTypename | 0 |
| testTypenameQualifier | 0 |
| testMutableQualifier | 0 |
| testTemplateFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateMethodDeclaration | 0 |
| testUserTypeDefaultTemplateParameterClassDefinition | 0 |
| testBaseTypeDefaultTemplateParameterClassDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedMethodDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedClassDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedNamespacedClassDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedSubClassTemplateDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedSubClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateClassInstanciation | 0 |
| testTypedTemplateClassInstanciation | 0 |
| testSpecializedTemplateClassInstanciation | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedClassInstanciation | 0 |
| testTemplateMemberInitializer | 0 |
| testTemplateTypeClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testSpecializedTemplateTypeClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testSpecializedTemplateMemberPointerClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateMethodOfTemplateClassSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateFunctionCall | 0.016 |
| testTemplateConstructorDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateConstructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateMethodCallWithTemplateParameter | 0 |
| testTemplateStaticMethodCallWithTemplateParameter | 0 |
| testUnsupportedTemplateFunctionCallThrowsException | 0 |
| testUnsupportedTemplateFunctionCall2ThrowsException | 0.016 |
| testBuiltInTypeCast | 0 |
| testUnsignedBuiltInTypeCast | 0 |
| testSignedBuiltInTypeCast | 0 |
| testUnsignedLongIntVariableDeclaration | 0 |
| testUnsignedLongIntTypeCast | 0 |
| testTypeCastAssignmentExpression | 0 |
| testDestructorDefinitionWithoutClassDeclarationIsValid | 0 |
| testTildeUnaryOperator | 0 |
| testMethodCallWithinVariableInitialization | 0 |
| testUsingSeveralNamespaces | 0 |
| testUsingNestedNamespacesFullPath | 0 |
| testUsingNestedNamespacesHalfPath | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceInFunction | 0 |
| testUsingClass | 0 |
| testMemberUsingClass | 0 |
| testFunctionUsingClass | 0 |
| testNamespaceAliasing | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinitionThrowSpecification | 0.015 |
| testNamespacedConstructorDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperator | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorOfTemplateClassSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConstConversionOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testInlineOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testInlinePureVirtualOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionReturningConstPointer | 0 |
| testMemberPointerWithAnonymousParameter | 0 |
| testMemberPointerWithParameterByCopy | 0 |
| testInnerTemplateClass | 0 |
| testSingleLineCommentAtEndOfFile | 0 |
| testPreProcessorDirective | 0 |
| testPreProcessorDirectiveAtEndOfFile | 0 |
| testPreProcessorOnSeveralLinesAtEndOfFile | 0 |
| testCommentAtEndOfFile | 0 |
| testEnumWithoutCommaAfterLastValue | 0 |
| testEnumWithTwoValues | 0 |
| testEnumWithCommaAfterLastValue | 0 |
| testEnumWithTwoValuesWithCommaAfterLastValue | 0 |
| testEmptyEnum | 0 |
| testEmptyAnonymousEnum | 0 |
| testVariableParenthesisInitialization | 0 |
| testNamespaceAliasingDeclaration | 0 |
| testBitFieldDeclaration | 0 |
| testStaticConstMemberDataInPlaceInitialization | 0 |
| testExplicitConstructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testExplicitConstructorDefinition | 0 |
| testPureVirtualDestructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testMemberDataList | 0 |
| testReturnParenthezizedExpression | 0 |
| testReturnParenthezizedComplexExpression | 0 |
| testSizeOfBaseType | 0 |
| testSizeOfUserType | 0 |
| testSizeOfUserTypeReference | 0 |
| testSizeOfAnExpression | 0 |
| testSizeOfFunctionCall | 0 |
| testSizeOfAssignment | 0 |
| testSizeOfCommaExpression | 0 |
| testSizeOfWithoutParenthesis | 0 |
| testGlobalScopeOverrideFunctionCall | 0 |
| testStringJuxtaposition | 0 |
| testInitializedArrayLastElementFollowedByComma | 0 |
| testIfStatementWithAssignment | 0 |
| testDestructorWithExceptionSpecificationDeclaration | 0 |
| testDestructorWithExplicitVoidParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodWithExceptionSpecificationDeclaration | 0 |
| testTypeidOfUserTypeReference | 0 |
| testTypeidOfExpression | 0 |
| testTypeidOfCommaExpression | 0 |
| testConditionWithFunctionCall | 0 |
| testTypeidOfAssignmentExpression | 0 |
| testTypeidOfThis | 0 |
| testTypeidOfContentOfThis | 0 |
| testCanRetrieveNameOfTypeidResult | 0 |
| testMutableMember | 0.016 |
| testVolatileMember | 0 |
| testVolatileVariable | 0 |
| testConstUnsignedIntVariable | 0 |
| testVolatileConstUnsignedIntVariable | 0 |
| testFriendClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testFriendMemberClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testVolatileMethodDeclaration | 0 |
| testVolatileMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testVolatilePointerTypeConversionOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testVolatileConversionOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testInfiniteForLoop | 0 |
| testAnonymousEnumVariableDeclaration | 0 |
| testAnonymousClassVariableDeclaration | 0 |
| testAnonymousClassClassMember | 0 |
| testForWithFunctionCallsWithSeveralParametersAsInitialization | 0 |
| testTemplateFriendClassMemberDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateClassMemberDeclaration | 0 |
| testClassForwardDeclarationMember | 0 |
| testFriendClassForwardDeclarationMember | 0 |
| testTemplateMemberVariableOfTemplateType | 0 |
| testClassForwardDeclaration | 0 |
| testPureVirtualDestructorWithImplementation | 0 |
| testPureVirtualMethodWithImplementation | 0 |
| testPlacementNew | 0 |
| testNewWithoutParameters | 0 |
| testNewType | 0 |
| testNewTypeWithParameters | 0 |
| testAsmExpression | 0 |
| testThrowWithoutAnException | 0.015 |
| testThrowAnException | 0 |
| testEmptyStatement | 0 |
| testTemplateForwardDeclarationDoesNotRegisterTemplateTypeAsType | 0 |
| testOneVariableArgumentFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testVariableArgumentFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testOneVariableArgumentFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testVariableArgumentFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testIntegerParameterInTemplateDeclaration | 0 |
| testVoidDefaultTemplateParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testVoidPointerDefaultTemplateParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testHexadecimalEscapeSequenceInString | 0 |
| testBackslashAtEndOfLineIsIgnored | 0 |
| testBackslashAtEndOfLineInStringIsIgnored | 0 |
| testCp1252NotAsciiCharacterInCommentIsValid | 0 |
| testCp1252NotAsciiCharacterInMultiCommentIsValid | 0 |
| testExternFunctionDefinitionIsValid | 0 |
| testSemiColonMemberDeclarationIsValid | 0 |
| testTemplateClassDestructorCallOnPointer | 0 |
| testTemplateClassDestructorCallOnInstance | 0 |
| testFunctionReturningPointerOnFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionReturningPointerOnFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithCommentedParameterName | 0 |
| testTMP | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testMeasureComparedToItselfEqualsZero | 0 |
| testMeasuresWithDifferentCountsComparedToOneAnotherEqualZero | 0 |
| testDifferentsMeasuresWithSameCountComparedToOneAnotherEqualOne | 0 |
| testEmptyContentHasNcssOfZero | 0.485 |
| testSingleSemiColonHasNcssOfZero | 0.015 |
| testDeclarationStatementHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclarationHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithEmptyBodyHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testConstructorInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSemiColonDoesNotIncrementNcss | 0 |
| testDeclarationStatementWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testExpressionStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testElseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testForStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCaseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDefaultStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testBreakStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testContinueStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testReturnStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testGotoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testLabelIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testNamespaceDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneVariableDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMemberVariableWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.015 |
| testMethodDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testStructDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUnionDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testEnumIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testTypedefIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testLabelIncrementNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testNotifyLabelsOutputsFormattedHeader | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifyAllMeasurementsOutputsCountsAndItem | 0 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifySumOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0.016 |
| testNotifyAverageOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsTrueWhenOptionIsEnabled | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsFalseWhenOptionNotEnabled | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValueWithoutProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveSeveralOptionValues | 0 |
| testNoMacroNoDefineDoesNotModifyTokens | 0 |
| testEmptyNameIsInvalid | 0.063 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfTokenOfTypeId | 0 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfOneToken | 0 |
| testDefineReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithoutContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithExpressionContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroReplacesSeveralOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroNameWithoutParenthesisIsNoOp | 0 |
| testRegisterSameMacroNameTwiceThrowsAnException | 0.016 |
| testMacroWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheDefineNameToken | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheMacroNameToken | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromInterfaceProvidesNonNullObject | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromClassProvidesNonNullObject | 0.219 |
| testCreateMockAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestFails | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testFunctionWithEmptyBodyHasCcnValueOfOne | 0 |
| testTwoFunctionsWithEmptyBodyHaveCcnValueOfTwo | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testForStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsCcnByOnePerCase | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementDoesNotIncrementCcnForDefault | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0.031 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testAndExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleAndExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testOrExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleOrExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testConditionalExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleConditionalExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testExpressionWithAndOrAndConditionalIncrementsCcnByThree | 0 |
| testCcnFromMethodOfClassDefinedOnStackAddsUp | 0.016 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithOneParameterDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithTwoParametersDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithInnerClassDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerOnPointerParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithArrayParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerOnFunctionParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testMethodDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinition | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testConstructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testDestructorDefinition | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testDestructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testIdExpression | 0 |
| testScopedIdExpression | 0 |
| testNumericConstantExpression | 0 |
| testStringConstantExpression | 0 |
| testConcanatedStringsConstantExpression | 0 |
| testLogicalAndExpression | 0.015 |
| testLogicalOrExpression | 0 |
| testConditionalExpression | 0 |
| testAssignmentExpression | 0 |
| testThrowExpression | 0 |
| testThrowExpressionWithException | 0 |
| testInclusiveOrExpression | 0 |
| testExclusiveOrExpression | 0 |
| testAndExpression | 0 |
| testEqualToEqualityExpression | 0 |
| testDifferentFromEqualityExpression | 0 |
| testRelationalExpression | 0 |
| testShiftExpression | 0 |
| testAdditiveExpression | 0 |
| testMultiplicativeExpression | 0 |
| testPointerToMemberExpression | 0 |
| testCastExpression | 0 |
| testUnaryExpression | 0 |
| testUnarySizeofExpression | 0 |
| testFunctionCallExpression | 0 |
| testIncrementPostfixExpression | 0 |
| testDecrementPostfixExpression | 0 |
| testThisIsPrimaryExpression | 0 |
| testParenthizedExpressionIsPrimaryExpression | 0 |
| testNewExpression | 0 |
| testComplexNewExpression | 0 |
| testDeleteExpression | 0 |
| testTypeIdExpression | 0.016 |
| testClassDefinition | 0 |
| testClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testEnumDefinition | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testAnonymousClassVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testEnumVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testAnonymousEnumVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testVariableExternalDeclaration | 0 |
| testVariableExternalDeclarationAndInitialization | 0 |
| testClassMemberVariableDeclaration | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunction | 0 |
| testNamespaceDefinition | 0 |
| testUsingNamespace | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceType | 0 |
| testLabelStatement | 0 |
| testIfStatement | 0 |
| testIfElseStatement | 0 |
| testWhileStatement | 0 |
| testDoWhileStatement | 0 |
| testForStatement | 0 |
| testSwitchStatement | 0 |
| testGotoStatement | 0 |
| testBreakStatement | 0 |
| testContinueStatement | 0 |
| testReturnStatement | 0 |
| testReturnStatementWithExpression | 0 |
| testThrowStatement | 0 |
| testThrowStatementWithException | 0 |
| testTryCatchBlocks | 0 |
| testMultiLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testSingleLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testMultipleSingleLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testResolveOutsideOfAnyScopeDoesNotAddAnyPrefix | 0 |
| testExtendingWithNonExistingScopeIsNoOp | 0 |
| testResolveInsideSimpleScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testResolveInsideComplexScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testOpenSeveralScopesAtTheSameTime | 0 |
| testOpenSeveralScopesAtTheSameTimeAndCloseOne | 0 |
| testResolveSubPathOutsideOfScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testResolveSearchesInExtendingScopes | 0 |
| testResolveSearchesInExtendingSubScopes | 0 |
| testTmp | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0.25 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNoNotificationGeneratesEmptyRootElement | 0.047 |
| testLabelsNotificationGeneratesLabelsElement | 0.015 |
| testItemNotificationsGenerateItemElement | 0 |
| testAverageNotificationGeneratesAverageElement | 0 |
| testSumNotificationGeneratesSumElement | 0.016 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testEmptyContentHasNcssOfZero | 0.485 |
| testSingleSemiColonHasNcssOfZero | 0.015 |
| testDeclarationStatementHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclarationHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithEmptyBodyHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testConstructorInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSemiColonDoesNotIncrementNcss | 0 |
| testDeclarationStatementWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testExpressionStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testElseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testForStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCaseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDefaultStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testBreakStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testContinueStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testReturnStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testGotoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testLabelIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testNamespaceDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneVariableDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMemberVariableWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.015 |
| testMethodDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testStructDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUnionDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testEnumIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testTypedefIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testLabelIncrementNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testNotifyLabelsOutputsFormattedHeader | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifyAllMeasurementsOutputsCountsAndItem | 0 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifySumOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0.016 |
| testNotifyAverageOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsTrueWhenOptionIsEnabled | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsFalseWhenOptionNotEnabled | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValueWithoutProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveSeveralOptionValues | 0 |
| testNoMacroNoDefineDoesNotModifyTokens | 0 |
| testEmptyNameIsInvalid | 0.063 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfTokenOfTypeId | 0 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfOneToken | 0 |
| testDefineReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithoutContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithExpressionContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroReplacesSeveralOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroNameWithoutParenthesisIsNoOp | 0 |
| testRegisterSameMacroNameTwiceThrowsAnException | 0.016 |
| testMacroWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheDefineNameToken | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheMacroNameToken | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromInterfaceProvidesNonNullObject | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromClassProvidesNonNullObject | 0.219 |
| testCreateMockAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestFails | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testFunctionWithEmptyBodyHasCcnValueOfOne | 0 |
| testTwoFunctionsWithEmptyBodyHaveCcnValueOfTwo | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testForStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsCcnByOnePerCase | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementDoesNotIncrementCcnForDefault | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0.031 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testAndExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleAndExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testOrExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleOrExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testConditionalExpressionIncrementsCcnByOne | 0 |
| testDoubleConditionalExpressionIncrementsCcnByTwo | 0 |
| testExpressionWithAndOrAndConditionalIncrementsCcnByThree | 0 |
| testCcnFromMethodOfClassDefinedOnStackAddsUp | 0.016 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithOneParameterDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithTwoParametersDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithInnerClassDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerOnPointerParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithArrayParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionWithPointerOnFunctionParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testMethodDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinition | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testConstructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testDestructorDefinition | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testDestructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testIdExpression | 0 |
| testScopedIdExpression | 0 |
| testNumericConstantExpression | 0 |
| testStringConstantExpression | 0 |
| testConcanatedStringsConstantExpression | 0 |
| testLogicalAndExpression | 0.015 |
| testLogicalOrExpression | 0 |
| testConditionalExpression | 0 |
| testAssignmentExpression | 0 |
| testThrowExpression | 0 |
| testThrowExpressionWithException | 0 |
| testInclusiveOrExpression | 0 |
| testExclusiveOrExpression | 0 |
| testAndExpression | 0 |
| testEqualToEqualityExpression | 0 |
| testDifferentFromEqualityExpression | 0 |
| testRelationalExpression | 0 |
| testShiftExpression | 0 |
| testAdditiveExpression | 0 |
| testMultiplicativeExpression | 0 |
| testPointerToMemberExpression | 0 |
| testCastExpression | 0 |
| testUnaryExpression | 0 |
| testUnarySizeofExpression | 0 |
| testFunctionCallExpression | 0 |
| testIncrementPostfixExpression | 0 |
| testDecrementPostfixExpression | 0 |
| testThisIsPrimaryExpression | 0 |
| testParenthizedExpressionIsPrimaryExpression | 0 |
| testNewExpression | 0 |
| testComplexNewExpression | 0 |
| testDeleteExpression | 0 |
| testTypeIdExpression | 0.016 |
| testClassDefinition | 0 |
| testClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testEnumDefinition | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testAnonymousClassVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testEnumVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testAnonymousEnumVariableDefinition | 0 |
| testVariableExternalDeclaration | 0 |
| testVariableExternalDeclarationAndInitialization | 0 |
| testClassMemberVariableDeclaration | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunction | 0 |
| testNamespaceDefinition | 0 |
| testUsingNamespace | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceType | 0 |
| testLabelStatement | 0 |
| testIfStatement | 0 |
| testIfElseStatement | 0 |
| testWhileStatement | 0 |
| testDoWhileStatement | 0 |
| testForStatement | 0 |
| testSwitchStatement | 0 |
| testGotoStatement | 0 |
| testBreakStatement | 0 |
| testContinueStatement | 0 |
| testReturnStatement | 0 |
| testReturnStatementWithExpression | 0 |
| testThrowStatement | 0 |
| testThrowStatementWithException | 0 |
| testTryCatchBlocks | 0 |
| testMultiLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testSingleLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testMultipleSingleLineCommentAtBeginningOfFile | 0 |
| testResolveOutsideOfAnyScopeDoesNotAddAnyPrefix | 0 |
| testExtendingWithNonExistingScopeIsNoOp | 0 |
| testResolveInsideSimpleScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testResolveInsideComplexScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testOpenSeveralScopesAtTheSameTime | 0 |
| testOpenSeveralScopesAtTheSameTimeAndCloseOne | 0 |
| testResolveSubPathOutsideOfScopeAddsPrefix | 0 |
| testResolveSearchesInExtendingScopes | 0 |
| testResolveSearchesInExtendingSubScopes | 0 |
| testTmp | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0.25 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNoNotificationGeneratesEmptyRootElement | 0.047 |
| testLabelsNotificationGeneratesLabelsElement | 0.015 |
| testItemNotificationsGenerateItemElement | 0 |
| testAverageNotificationGeneratesAverageElement | 0 |
| testSumNotificationGeneratesSumElement | 0.016 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinition | 0.015 |
| testDestructorDefinition | 0 |
| testEqualityOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testNotFunctionReturnsNull | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithoutParameters | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerPointerParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerPointerParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerReferencePointerConstParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithIntegerReferencePointerConstParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithConstPointerConstParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithConstPointerConstParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithUnsignedIntegerParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithUnsignedIntegerParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithUnsignedIntegerPointerParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithUnsignedIntegerPointerParameterWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithSeveralParameters | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithSeveralParametersWithoutParameterNames | 0 |
| testConstMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testMethodDefinitionWithConstReferenceReturnType | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinitionWithParameter | 0 |
| testFunctionBodyDoesNotAlterFunctionSignature | 0 |
| testArrayArgument | 0 |
| testArrayArgumentWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testTemplateClassMethod | 0 |
| testTemplateParameterFunction | 0.016 |
| testTemplateParameterFunctionWithoutParameterName | 0 |
| testPointerOnMemberParameterFunction | 0 |
| testPointerOnFunctionParameterFunction | 0 |
| testFunctionReturningPointerOnFunction | 0 |
| testParenthesisOperatorDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionInAnonymousNamespace | 0 |
| testMethodOfClassDefinedInFunction | 0 |
| null expected:<My[Function::My]Class::MyMethod()> but was:<My[]Class::MyMethod()> | |
| junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: null expected:&My[Function::My]Class::MyMethod()& but was:&My[]Class::MyMethod()& at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals( at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals( at cppncss.counter.FunctionNameExtractorTest.testMethodOfClassDefinedInFunction(
| |
| testMethodOfClassDefinedLocally | 0 |
| null expected:<My[Function::My]Class::MyMethod()> but was:<My[]Class::MyMethod()> | |
| junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: null expected:&My[Function::My]Class::MyMethod()& but was:&My[]Class::MyMethod()& at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals( at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals( at cppncss.counter.FunctionNameExtractorTest.testMethodOfClassDefinedLocally(
| |
| testConditionalExpression | 0 |
| testSemiColumExternalDeclaration | 0 |
| testTypedefType | 0 |
| testTypedefTypeInNamespace | 0 |
| testTypedefTemplateType | 0 |
| testTypedefTemplateNamespacedType | 0 |
| testTypedefTemplateTypeInNamespace | 0 |
| testTypedefTemplateTypeOfTemplateType | 0 |
| testTypedefTemplateTypeOfTemplateParameter | 0 |
| testTemplateClassMemberTypeVariable | 0 |
| testVariableType | 0 |
| testVariableTypeInNamespace | 0 |
| testVariableOfTemplateType | 0 |
| testVariableTemplateNamespacedType | 0 |
| testVariableTemplateTypeInNamespace | 0 |
| testVariableTemplateNamespacedTypeInNamespace | 0.015 |
| testTypedefTypename | 0 |
| testTypenameQualifier | 0 |
| testMutableQualifier | 0 |
| testTemplateFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateMethodDeclaration | 0 |
| testUserTypeDefaultTemplateParameterClassDefinition | 0 |
| testBaseTypeDefaultTemplateParameterClassDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedMethodDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedClassDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedNamespacedClassDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedSubClassTemplateDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedSubClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateClassInstanciation | 0 |
| testTypedTemplateClassInstanciation | 0 |
| testSpecializedTemplateClassInstanciation | 0 |
| testTemplateSpecializedClassInstanciation | 0 |
| testTemplateMemberInitializer | 0 |
| testTemplateTypeClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testSpecializedTemplateTypeClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testSpecializedTemplateMemberPointerClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateMethodOfTemplateClassSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateFunctionCall | 0.016 |
| testTemplateConstructorDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateConstructorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testTemplateMethodCallWithTemplateParameter | 0 |
| testTemplateStaticMethodCallWithTemplateParameter | 0 |
| testUnsupportedTemplateFunctionCallThrowsException | 0 |
| testUnsupportedTemplateFunctionCall2ThrowsException | 0.016 |
| testBuiltInTypeCast | 0 |
| testUnsignedBuiltInTypeCast | 0 |
| testSignedBuiltInTypeCast | 0 |
| testUnsignedLongIntVariableDeclaration | 0 |
| testUnsignedLongIntTypeCast | 0 |
| testTypeCastAssignmentExpression | 0 |
| testDestructorDefinitionWithoutClassDeclarationIsValid | 0 |
| testTildeUnaryOperator | 0 |
| testMethodCallWithinVariableInitialization | 0 |
| testUsingSeveralNamespaces | 0 |
| testUsingNestedNamespacesFullPath | 0 |
| testUsingNestedNamespacesHalfPath | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceInFunction | 0 |
| testUsingClass | 0 |
| testMemberUsingClass | 0 |
| testFunctionUsingClass | 0 |
| testNamespaceAliasing | 0 |
| testConstructorDefinitionThrowSpecification | 0.015 |
| testNamespacedConstructorDefinition | 0 |
| testConversionOperator | 0 |
| testConversionOperatorOfTemplateClassSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testConstConversionOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testInlineOperatorSeparateDefinition | 0 |
| testInlinePureVirtualOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionReturningConstPointer | 0 |
| testMemberPointerWithAnonymousParameter | 0 |
| testMemberPointerWithParameterByCopy | 0 |
| testInnerTemplateClass | 0 |
| testSingleLineCommentAtEndOfFile | 0 |
| testPreProcessorDirective | 0 |
| testPreProcessorDirectiveAtEndOfFile | 0 |
| testPreProcessorOnSeveralLinesAtEndOfFile | 0 |
| testCommentAtEndOfFile | 0 |
| testEnumWithoutCommaAfterLastValue | 0 |
| testEnumWithTwoValues | 0 |
| testEnumWithCommaAfterLastValue | 0 |
| testEnumWithTwoValuesWithCommaAfterLastValue | 0 |
| testEmptyEnum | 0 |
| testEmptyAnonymousEnum | 0 |
| testVariableParenthesisInitialization | 0 |
| testNamespaceAliasingDeclaration | 0 |
| testBitFieldDeclaration | 0 |
| testStaticConstMemberDataInPlaceInitialization | 0 |
| testExplicitConstructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testExplicitConstructorDefinition | 0 |
| testPureVirtualDestructorDeclaration | 0 |
| testMemberDataList | 0 |
| testReturnParenthezizedExpression | 0 |
| testReturnParenthezizedComplexExpression | 0 |
| testSizeOfBaseType | 0 |
| testSizeOfUserType | 0 |
| testSizeOfUserTypeReference | 0 |
| testSizeOfAnExpression | 0 |
| testSizeOfFunctionCall | 0 |
| testSizeOfAssignment | 0 |
| testSizeOfCommaExpression | 0 |
| testSizeOfWithoutParenthesis | 0 |
| testGlobalScopeOverrideFunctionCall | 0 |
| testStringJuxtaposition | 0 |
| testInitializedArrayLastElementFollowedByComma | 0 |
| testIfStatementWithAssignment | 0 |
| testDestructorWithExceptionSpecificationDeclaration | 0 |
| testDestructorWithExplicitVoidParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testMethodWithExceptionSpecificationDeclaration | 0 |
| testTypeidOfUserTypeReference | 0 |
| testTypeidOfExpression | 0 |
| testTypeidOfCommaExpression | 0 |
| testConditionWithFunctionCall | 0 |
| testTypeidOfAssignmentExpression | 0 |
| testTypeidOfThis | 0 |
| testTypeidOfContentOfThis | 0 |
| testCanRetrieveNameOfTypeidResult | 0 |
| testMutableMember | 0.016 |
| testVolatileMember | 0 |
| testVolatileVariable | 0 |
| testConstUnsignedIntVariable | 0 |
| testVolatileConstUnsignedIntVariable | 0 |
| testFriendClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testFriendMemberClassDeclaration | 0 |
| testVolatileMethodDeclaration | 0 |
| testVolatileMethodDefinition | 0 |
| testVolatilePointerTypeConversionOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testVolatileConversionOperatorDeclaration | 0 |
| testInfiniteForLoop | 0 |
| testAnonymousEnumVariableDeclaration | 0 |
| testAnonymousClassVariableDeclaration | 0 |
| testAnonymousClassClassMember | 0 |
| testForWithFunctionCallsWithSeveralParametersAsInitialization | 0 |
| testTemplateFriendClassMemberDeclaration | 0 |
| testTemplateClassMemberDeclaration | 0 |
| testClassForwardDeclarationMember | 0 |
| testFriendClassForwardDeclarationMember | 0 |
| testTemplateMemberVariableOfTemplateType | 0 |
| testClassForwardDeclaration | 0 |
| testPureVirtualDestructorWithImplementation | 0 |
| testPureVirtualMethodWithImplementation | 0 |
| testPlacementNew | 0 |
| testNewWithoutParameters | 0 |
| testNewType | 0 |
| testNewTypeWithParameters | 0 |
| testAsmExpression | 0 |
| testThrowWithoutAnException | 0.015 |
| testThrowAnException | 0 |
| testEmptyStatement | 0 |
| testTemplateForwardDeclarationDoesNotRegisterTemplateTypeAsType | 0 |
| testOneVariableArgumentFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testVariableArgumentFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testOneVariableArgumentFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testVariableArgumentFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testIntegerParameterInTemplateDeclaration | 0 |
| testVoidDefaultTemplateParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testVoidPointerDefaultTemplateParameterDeclaration | 0 |
| testHexadecimalEscapeSequenceInString | 0 |
| testBackslashAtEndOfLineIsIgnored | 0 |
| testBackslashAtEndOfLineInStringIsIgnored | 0 |
| testCp1252NotAsciiCharacterInCommentIsValid | 0 |
| testCp1252NotAsciiCharacterInMultiCommentIsValid | 0 |
| testExternFunctionDefinitionIsValid | 0 |
| testSemiColonMemberDeclarationIsValid | 0 |
| testTemplateClassDestructorCallOnPointer | 0 |
| testTemplateClassDestructorCallOnInstance | 0 |
| testFunctionReturningPointerOnFunctionDeclaration | 0 |
| testFunctionReturningPointerOnFunctionDefinition | 0 |
| testFunctionWithCommentedParameterName | 0 |
| testTMP | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testEmptyContentHasNcssOfZero | 0.485 |
| testSingleSemiColonHasNcssOfZero | 0.015 |
| testDeclarationStatementHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclarationHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithEmptyBodyHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testConstructorInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSemiColonDoesNotIncrementNcss | 0 |
| testDeclarationStatementWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testExpressionStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testElseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testForStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCaseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDefaultStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testBreakStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testContinueStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testReturnStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testGotoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testLabelIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testNamespaceDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneVariableDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMemberVariableWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.015 |
| testMethodDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testStructDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUnionDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testEnumIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testTypedefIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testLabelIncrementNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testNotifyLabelsOutputsFormattedHeader | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifyAllMeasurementsOutputsCountsAndItem | 0 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifySumOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0.016 |
| testNotifyAverageOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsTrueWhenOptionIsEnabled | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsFalseWhenOptionNotEnabled | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValueWithoutProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveSeveralOptionValues | 0 |
| testNoMacroNoDefineDoesNotModifyTokens | 0 |
| testEmptyNameIsInvalid | 0.063 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfTokenOfTypeId | 0 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfOneToken | 0 |
| testDefineReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithoutContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithExpressionContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroReplacesSeveralOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroNameWithoutParenthesisIsNoOp | 0 |
| testRegisterSameMacroNameTwiceThrowsAnException | 0.016 |
| testMacroWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheDefineNameToken | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheMacroNameToken | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromInterfaceProvidesNonNullObject | 0 |
| testCreateMockFromClassProvidesNonNullObject | 0.219 |
| testCreateMockAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestFails | 0 |
| testCreateMockWithExpectationAndRunTestPasses | 0 |
| testEmptyContentHasNcssOfZero | 0.485 |
| testSingleSemiColonHasNcssOfZero | 0.015 |
| testDeclarationStatementHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclarationHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithEmptyBodyHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testConstructorInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSemiColonDoesNotIncrementNcss | 0 |
| testDeclarationStatementWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testExpressionStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testElseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testForStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCaseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDefaultStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testBreakStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testContinueStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testReturnStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testGotoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testLabelIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testNamespaceDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneVariableDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMemberVariableWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.015 |
| testMethodDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testStructDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUnionDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testEnumIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testTypedefIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testLabelIncrementNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testNotifyLabelsOutputsFormattedHeader | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifyAllMeasurementsOutputsCountsAndItem | 0 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifySumOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0.016 |
| testNotifyAverageOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsTrueWhenOptionIsEnabled | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsFalseWhenOptionNotEnabled | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValueWithoutProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveSeveralOptionValues | 0 |
| testEmptyContentHasNcssOfZero | 0.485 |
| testSingleSemiColonHasNcssOfZero | 0.015 |
| testDeclarationStatementHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDeclarationHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testFunctionDefinitionWithEmptyBodyHasNcssValueOfOne | 0 |
| testConstructorInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSemiColonDoesNotIncrementNcss | 0 |
| testDeclarationStatementWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testExpressionStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testIfStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testElseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testWhileStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testForStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testSwitchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCaseStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDefaultStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testBreakStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testContinueStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testReturnStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testGotoStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testCatchStatementIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testLabelIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testNamespaceDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUsingNamespaceIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneMethodDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithOneVariableDeclarationWithinFunctionIncrementsNcssByTwo | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMemberVariableWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testConstructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testDestructorDeclarationWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.015 |
| testMethodDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassDefinitionWithinClassDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testClassVariableDefinitionIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testStructDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testUnionDeclarationIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testEnumIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testTypedefIncrementsNcssByOne | 0 |
| testInitializerIncrementsNcssByOne | 0.016 |
| testLabelIncrementNcssByOne | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testNotifyLabelsOutputsFormattedHeader | 0 |
| testTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifyAllMeasurementsOutputsCountsAndItem | 0 |
| testMeasurementTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testNotifySumOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0.016 |
| testNotifyAverageOutputsCountsAndLabel | 0 |
| testAverageTypeNameBeingTheBeginningOfLabelIsSkipped | 0 |
| testMethodToRemoveJUnitWarningAboutMissingTests | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsTrueWhenOptionIsEnabled | 0 |
| testHasOptionIsFalseWhenOptionNotEnabled | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValue | 0 |
| testRetrieveOptionPropertyValueWithoutProperty | 0 |
| testRetrieveSeveralOptionValues | 0 |
| testNoMacroNoDefineDoesNotModifyTokens | 0 |
| testEmptyNameIsInvalid | 0.063 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfTokenOfTypeId | 0 |
| testDefineNameMustBeMadeOfOneToken | 0 |
| testDefineReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithoutContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithExpressionContentReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroReplacesSeveralOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroNameWithoutParenthesisIsNoOp | 0 |
| testRegisterSameMacroNameTwiceThrowsAnException | 0.016 |
| testMacroWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithNonIdTokenReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithSeveralNonIdTokensReplacesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesOccurenceWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testMacroWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testDefineWithEmptyValueRemovesTwoConsecutiveOccurencesWithinInputTokens | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheDefineNameToken | 0 |
| testInsertedTokensLinesAndColumnsAreThoseOfTheMacroNameToken | 0 |